Indian Lake "Moon-set"

Indian Lake "Moon-set"
The moon was setting over the south shore last month.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The marble quarry of

Time stands still in the quarry back behind the Carving Studio,West Rutland, VT. Kathy was here for some sculpture lessons, and I was hanging out. Grabbed my camera and took a walk. Huge white marble blocks and wall size sheets are strewn about everywhere, with weeds and Queen Annes's Lace growing up around them. Very creepy, as if the whistle blew one day in 1954, the men picked up their lunch pails and went home, never to return. Here was a perfect setting for a Stephen King novel. It was a very hot August day, completely still, not a breath of air when I looked around. The signs were everywhere, "DANGER, Absolutely No Trespassing," hoping to keep the kids from their favorite swimming hole. The marble slabs glowed in the harsh light. Deep shadows, sharp angles, and weeds gone to seed as a counterpoint. This was a great spot for some shots....

Jan Armor
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Tired of winter? Think "Summer in Vermont"

"Portrait of Rhode Island Nurseries"

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H 401.249-0650 M 401.441.5517
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Posted via email from Jan Armor's Fine Art Photographs

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